All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AdvancedShapeWriter |
Enhances the jts ShapeWriter with handling the render process for Shapeable instances.
AngleHint |
AngleHintStatistic |
AsyncUtils |
BadHintHider |
BeatWidgetController |
BruteForceSearcher |
This type of Searcher runs in square-shaped circles around its
initial position, which increases by one, after each step.
CanvasBoundary |
CanvasBoundary |
CanvasController |
Circle |
Adding a Polygon based Circle to the org.locationtech.jts suite.
CircleHint |
A type Hint , defining a circle, in which the treasure lies.
CircleSearcher |
ClickInspectorController |
CLIMain |
Main class started when program runs in CLI Mode, just type -h and see how to use it
CoinLoader |
CoinLoaderSkin |
CoinProgress |
CoinProgressSkin |
EventBusUtils |
This class provides the event buses.
ExcludedAreasUtils |
Utility functions to exclude areas which do not need to be looked at (areas already visited and areas which are
excluded by hints)
FileService |
FileService.DataWithVersion<E> |
FixedTreasureHider |
FxUtils |
GameEngine |
This is the engine which runs a simulation of a treasure hunt.
GameField |
There are 3 Structures to represent the state of Algorithm
Bounding Area: the biggest Area in which the Strategy wants to place the treasure
checkedArea: the Area the player has visited and thus must not contain the target
AreaExcludedByHints: the Area the previous hints have
GameManager |
The GameManager stores every Turn -objects, happened in the game,
the binds the views to update them for every move and
runs the GameEngine step for step.
GeometricUtils |
GeometryAngle |
The Angle is an geometric representation of an angle at a certain position.
GeometryItem<T> |
Classifies a jts geometry item with parameters to distinguish between items for visualization/algorithm usages.
GeometryPipeline |
GeometryStyle |
GeometryType |
This is conventions for GeometryItems,
how to display them.
GeometryUtility |
Grid |
A visual grid to set the scaling in perspective.
HalfPlane |
A half plane divides the 2d-space in two subspaces being divided at a certain infinite line.
HalfPlaneAdapter_FixedTreasure |
Adapter such that searchers who require HalfPlaneHints can play against this strategy
HalfPlaneAdapter_MobileTreasure |
HalfPlaneHint |
A special ase of AngleHint with 180 degrees or Math.PI radians,
defining a HalfPlane in which the treasure lies
HalfPlaneHint.Direction |
HideAndSeekGameEngine |
In this modification, the hider may reset the
treasure location in each move,
after the Searcher did his SearchPath .
HideAndSeekHider<T extends Hint> |
This kind of Hider could change the position of the treasure
after each move.
Hider<T extends Hint> |
An algorithm,
hiding a treasure and giving a searcher Hint -objects,
such he can find the treasure.
Hint |
HintAndMovement |
HistoryController |
HorizontalHalfPlaneHintHider |
ImageItem |
ImageItem.Alignment |
ImageService |
ImpossibleTreasureLocationException |
InvalidHintException |
JavaFxApplication |
JavaFxDrawable |
JavaFxUtils |
JTSUtils |
A utility class for the work with org.locationtech.jts .
LastHintBadSubroutine |
Implements the "else"-part of the first if-condition in Algorithm 3 (Function ReduceRectangle(R))
in the paper "Deterministic Treasure Hunt in the Plane with Angular Hints" from Bouchard et al.
Line |
The line is an extension of a Ray being infinitely long in both directions.
ListUtils |
Main |
MainController |
MinimumRectangleSearcher |
The strategy MinimumRectangleStrategy works similar to the strategy from the paper
"Deterministic Treasure Hunt in the Plane with Angular Hints" from Bouchard et al..
MobileTreasureHider |
A Strategy using the StatisticalHider as Base Implementation,
but being able to move the treasure while the game is running and therefore implementing to the HideAndSeekHider interface
NaiveAngleSearcher |
This type of Searcher just always passes the middle of a given AngleHint ,
by a distance of 1.
NaiveCircleSearcher |
NavigatorController |
PlotController |
PlotSettingsController |
PlotSettingsController.Settings |
PointTransformation |
Transforms a source Coordinate from a strategy to a AWT Point2D considering a canvas offset
Vector2D and a viewport scale.
PolygonStrategy |
The idea is to maintain a square called search area of variable size,
given a hint one use Geometry.intersection() to exclude area.
Polyhedron |
PolyhedronSearcher |
Preference |
Preferences |
PreferenceService |
Service that holds all the preferences, you can pass those to the searcher and hider.
PreferencesWidgetController |
RandomAngleHintHider |
RandomCircleHintHider |
This kind of Hider gives a randomly placed and randomly sized valid CircleHint .
RandomHalfPlaneHintHider |
Ray |
The Ray class is a line segment with one side being infinitely long.
RectangleScanEnhanced |
Implements some alternatives to the RectangleScan-Routine used by the paper "Deterministic Treasure Hunt in the
Plane with Angular Hints" from Bouchard et al.
ReflectionUtils |
Renderer |
The renderer responsible for drawing GeometryItem s on the Canvas .
RenderUtils |
Requires |
RightHandAngleHintHider |
RoutinesFromPaper |
For an explanation what each method does, it is recommended to look in the paper ("Deterministic Treasure Hunt in the
Plane with Angular Hints" from Bouchard et al.).
SaveAndLoadController |
Searcher<T extends Hint> |
An algorithm, trying to find a treasure in the plain,
given Hint -objects by a Hider .
SearchPath |
This is the path of the searcher in the plain searching the treasure,
stored as a list of Point s.
SelectClickedPopUp |
SelectionService |
SeriesService |
Session |
Settings |
SettingsController |
SettingsService |
SettingsWindow |
Shapeable |
SplashScreenLoader |
Statistic |
A class to calculate various statistics.
StatisticAggregation |
StatisticalHider |
An abstract hider which implements methods to play a basic game
It also supplies methods to judge a given hint by generating statistics about the hint and saving them in StatisticalHider
StatisticObject |
This defines a component, we want to analyze in our simulation.
StatisticObject.StatisticInfo |
StatisticsWidgetController |
StatisticsWithId |
StatisticsWithIdsAndPath |
StatisticTableController |
StatusMessageItem |
StatusMessages |
Gets used by StrategyFromPaper to output some useful status messages
StatusMessageType |
StatusMessageWidgetController |
StatusMessageWidgetTextFlowController |
SteadyDirectionSearcher |
This Strategy follows normal direction which will be nudged towards the current Hints normal direction
StepNavigationController |
StrategyFromPaper |
This strategy implements the strategy from the paper "Deterministic Treasure Hunt in the Plane with Angular Hints"
from Bouchard et al..
StrategyFromPaper.HintQuality |
SwingUtils |
ToolbarController |
The toolbar controller holds two sections for buttons.
TransformForAxisParallelism |
For more information what internal and external refers to please look in the documentation of MinimumRectangleSearcher
TreasureHuntCommand |
TreasureHuntListCommand |
TreasureHuntRunSeriesCommand |
TreeConstructor |
Constructs an object tree primarily used for the list of turns in the game.
Turn |
A turn contains every essential data, produced in each game turn.
UserControlledAngleHintHider |
UserControlledHintSearcher |
This is a type of Searcher ,
which is controlled by the user.
UserSetting |
Widget<C,P extends javafx.scene.layout.Region> |
WidgetBarController |
XYSearcher |
This type of Searcher holds the numbers maxX, maxY, minX, minY, and updates these.