Package com.treasure.hunt.strategy.searcher.impl
This package contains implementations of the
Class Summary Class Description BruteForceSearcher This type ofSearcher
runs in square-shaped circles around its initial position, which increases by one, after each step.CircleSearcher NaiveAngleSearcher NaiveCircleSearcher This type ofSearcher
always goes to the center of anCircleHint
.PolygonStrategy The idea is to maintain a square called search area of variable size, given a hint one use Geometry.intersection() to exclude area.PolyhedronSearcher SteadyDirectionSearcher This Strategy follows normal direction which will be nudged towards the current Hints normal directionUserControlledHintSearcher This is a type ofSearcher
, which is controlled by the user.XYSearcher This type ofSearcher
holds the numbers maxX, maxY, minX, minY, and updates these.