
Class AnalysisUtils

  • public class AnalysisUtils
    extends Object
    This class provides several analysis metrics to evaluate individuals upon
    • Constructor Detail

      • AnalysisUtils

        public AnalysisUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • spiralLikeness

        public static double spiralLikeness​(List<DiscreteGene> chromosome)
        The spiral-likeness measures the similarity between the individuals structure and a spiral. This likeness is expressed as the summed up distances between where a point should sit in a spiral and the actual placed point. Therefore, it starts at the first position, that the individual visits. Then, it spirals out both clock-wise and counter-clockwise counting the individual distances. Finally, the minimum of the clockwise and counter-clockwise likenesses is returned.
        chromosome - the individual measured
        Spiral likeness between 0.0 and infinity 0.0 means spiral
      • spiralLikenessInvariant

        public static double spiralLikenessInvariant​(List<DiscreteGene> chromosome)
        Measure for the spiral-likeness of the chromosome with rotation invariance. Analyses the likeness pairwise.
        chromosome - chromosome to measure
        rotation independent spiral likeness
      • worstCaseSpiralStrategy

        public static double worstCaseSpiralStrategy​(List<DiscreteGene> chromosome)
        Calculate the optimal worst case factor for the strategy. This fitness is the worst case factor of the strategy's spiral counterpart.
        chromosome - individual to analyze
        optimal worst case factor
      • traceLength

        public static double traceLength​(List<DiscreteGene> chromosome,
                                         DiscreteGene treasure)
        Computes the trace length necessary for the DiscreteGene chromosome to find the given treasure DiscreteGene.
        chromosome - chromosome to evaluate the trace length on
        treasure - treasure point to be found
        trace length necessary for the individual to find the treasure
      • traceLength

        public static double traceLength​(List<DiscreteGene> points)
        Calculates the trace length of a path consisting of the list of points.
        points - points forming a trace
        trace length of the path of points
      • finds

        public static boolean finds​(DiscreteGene point,
                                    DiscreteGene treasure)
        Compute for two DiscreteGenes, whether the first point point finds the second point treasure.

        That equals the following statement: point.position == treasure.position && point.distance >= treasure.distance

        point - Point to check, if it finds the second point.
        treasure - point to be found
        whether the first point finds the second point
      • fill

        public static List<DiscreteGene> fill​(List<DiscreteGene> chromosome)
        Returns a filled list of points visited on each sector by the chromosome. The chromosome may jump above multiple sectors. To resolve this behaviour for the fitness evaluation using area coverage, the list of points need consecutive position indices.
        chromosome - chromosome with jumping genes
        list of visited points with consecutive position indices
      • inBetween

        public static List<DiscreteGene> inBetween​(DiscreteGene a,
                                                   DiscreteGene b)
        Returns a list of intersections between the line through points a and b and the rays between these points.
        a - point a for the line
        b - point b for the line
        list of intersections between the line ab and the rays between a and b
      • areaInSector

        public static double areaInSector​(double distanceA,
                                          double distanceB,
                                          int rayCount)
        Calculates the triangle area in a sector between two rays given the two distances of the outer edges and the amount of all rays. The points have to lay on consecutive rays hence the need for a fix through inBetween(DiscreteGene, DiscreteGene) before invoking this method.
        distanceA - first outer edge distance
        distanceB - second outer edge distance
        rayCount - amount of rays, gives the inner degree of the triangle
        triangle area in a sector given two point distances
      • areaCovered

        public static double areaCovered​(List<DiscreteGene> points)
        Calculates the maximised area covered by the points. A covered area in a sector is the area of the triangle formed between two points on the rays limiting the sector and the origin. This fitness maximises a area already covered and every time a sector is explored again, the area already covered is subtracted to induce larger areas being visited the next time in a same sector.
        points - list of points distributed on consecutive rays
        maximised area covered by the points
      • newAreaCovered

        public static double newAreaCovered​(List<DiscreteGene> points)
        Computes the sum of newly covered area per step of the chromosome.
        points - path of the chromosome
        sum of the newly covered area per step
      • worstCase

        public static double worstCase​(List<DiscreteGene> points,
                                       float minDistance)
        Calculates the worst case trace length of a trace barely missing a treasure.
        points - list of points forming a path
        minDistance - minimum distance a worst case is placed away from the origin
        worst case scenario fitness
      • worstCaseMean

        public static double worstCaseMean​(List<DiscreteGene> points,
                                           float epsilon)
        Compute the mean worst case over all points in the strategy.
        points - list of points of the strategy
        epsilon - distance the worst case is missed by
        mean worst case fitness