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aborted(boolean) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution.EvolutionBuilder
Evolution abort flag.
accept(String[]) - Method in class evo.search.experiments.MultiTreasureFitnessExperiment
accept(String[]) - Method in class evo.search.experiments.OneTreasureFitnessExperiment
Main test.
add(DiscreteGene) - Method in class evo.search.view.Preview
addElement(E) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.SortedListModel
Add an element to the list.
addProjectEntry(Project) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Add a new project to the services index entries.
addRow(List<Double>) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.FitnessTableModel
Add a row to the table.
addSelectionListener(IntConsumer) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.ConfigComboModel
Add a index listener to the event of a change of the selected index.
allele() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
alterers(List<? extends DiscreteAlterer>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
List of alterers used during the Evolution's mutation phase.
AnalysisUtils - Class in evo.search.ga
This class provides several analysis metrics to evaluate individuals upon
AnalysisUtils() - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
APP_TITLE - Static variable in class evo.search.Main
Title of this application.
appendElementList(Element, List<T>, Function<T, Element>) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Append a list of mapped values to a parent element.
areaCovered(List<DiscreteGene>) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Calculates the maximised area covered by the points.
areaInSector(double, double, int) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Calculates the triangle area in a sector between two rays given the two distances of the outer edges and the amount of all rays.
areaInTriangle(double, double, double) - Static method in class evo.search.util.MathUtils
Calculate the area covered by a triangle defined by an edge's angle and the lengths of the two sides connected to the edge.


bestConsumer(Consumer<Phenotype<DiscreteGene, Double>>) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution.EvolutionBuilder
Consumer of the evolution progress.
bindDeleteEvent(ActionListener) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.ProjectListItem
Bind a given deletion event listener to the delete button.
bindSelectionEvent(Consumer<IndexEntry>) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.ProjectListItem
Bind a given selection event listener to the click event of the item.
build() - Method in class evo.search.Evolution.EvolutionBuilder
build() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
build() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style.StyleBuilder
builder() - Static method in class evo.search.Evolution
builder() - Static method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
builder() - Static method in class evo.search.view.render.Style


canEqual(Object) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
canEqual(Object) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
canEqual(Object) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
canEqual(Object) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
canEqual(Object) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
canImport(TransferHandler.TransferSupport) - Method in class evo.search.view.handler.ListTransferHandler
Canvas - Class in evo.search.view.part
Canvas to be painted on.
Canvas() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Canvas constructor.
centerOffset() - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface evo.search.view.listener.DocumentAdapter
chooseRandom(List<T>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Choose a random item from the given list.
chooseRandom(List<T>, int, int) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Choose a random item from the given list in the index range between min and max.
ChooserForm - Class in evo.search.view
The chooser form enabled the user to create new or add existing projects in the file system and manage their register state in the global .evoSearch register.
ChooserForm() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.ChooserForm
Constructor for the chooser form.
chooseWithoutPermutation(boolean) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
State of whether to choose the distances in a permutation during the shuffle of new individuals.
clear() - Method in class evo.search.view.model.FitnessTableModel
Clear the table.
clear() - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Clears all maps containing the rendered items.
clone() - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
Clones the evolution shallow.
clone() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
Clones the DiscreteGene.
clone() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
color(Color) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style.StyleBuilder
The stroke color of the shape.
ConfigComboModel - Class in evo.search.view.model
Combo box with edit button as first static element.
ConfigComboModel() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.model.ConfigComboModel
ConfigPanel - Class in evo.search.view
This panel manages all the inputs to change the configurations properties.
ConfigPanel(Configuration) - Constructor for class evo.search.view.ConfigPanel
Constructs a single configuration panel.
CONFIGS_CHANGED - Static variable in class evo.search.io.service.EventService
Event to reload configurations to use in the MainForm.
configuration(Configuration) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution.EvolutionBuilder
Configuration to use during the evolution.
Configuration - Class in evo.search.io.entities
Environment configuration for the evolution.
Configuration() - Constructor for class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Configuration(String, String, int, int, List<Double>, List<DiscreteGene>, Evolution.Fitness, List<? extends DiscreteAlterer>, Selector<DiscreteGene, Double>, int, int, boolean, double) - Constructor for class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder - Class in evo.search.io.entities
ConfigurationDialog - Class in evo.search.view
The form holding all the configuration panels and a selection list with their names.
ConfigurationDialog(List<Configuration>) - Constructor for class evo.search.view.ConfigurationDialog
Configuration dialog constructor.
consec(List<T>, BiConsumer<T, T>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Look at a list of consecutive items in pairs of two.
consecMap(List<T>, BiFunction<T, T, R>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Map a list of consecutive items in pairs of two to a new list.
consecSum(List<T>, BiFunction<T, T, Double>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Consecutively compute a sum over each pair of the list.
contains(double, double) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
contains(double, double, double, double) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
contains(Point2D) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
contains(Rectangle2D) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
containsHidden(Path) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Check, if the directory contains the hidden ".evo" folder.
counter(Path, String, String) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.FileService
Counts the files matching the pattern prefix-number.suffix
COVERED_AREA - evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
This fitness method computes the quotient between the trace length and the sum of explored areas.
createConfigPanel(Configuration) - Method in class evo.search.view.ConfigurationDialog
Create a configuration panel.
createTransferable(JComponent) - Method in class evo.search.view.handler.ListTransferHandler
createUIComponents() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Custom create the history table's component and bind its behaviours.
CROSS - evo.search.view.render.Style.Shape
Cross shape to display a point.


deepClone(List<T>, UnaryOperator<T>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Deep clone a list of items.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class evo.search.view.render.Style
Default style instance.
DiscreteAlterer - Interface in evo.search.ga.mutators
Wrapper for all Alterers working with DiscreteGenes.
DiscreteChromosome - Class in evo.search.ga
Chromosome consisting of a permutations of the distances from the Configuration in an evolved order associated with valid positional indices.
DiscreteChromosome(DiscreteGene...) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.DiscreteChromosome
Create a new DiscreteChromosome from the given genes array.
DiscreteChromosome(ISeq<? extends DiscreteGene>) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.DiscreteChromosome
Create a new DiscreteChromosome from the given genes array.
DiscreteGene - Class in evo.search.ga
Discrete genome carrying a Point2D allele.
DiscreteGene(int, int, double) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
Convenience constructor.
DiscreteGene(short, short, float) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
distance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class evo.search.util.MathUtils
Calculate the euclidean distance between to points given through their coordinates.
distance(DiscreteGene) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
Calculate the euclidean distance to another DiscreteGene.
distanceMutationDelta(double) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
Value of maximum distance change during the mutation.
DistanceMutator - Class in evo.search.ga.mutators
The distance mutator alters the distance property of the chromosomes genes individually by a given distance.
DistanceMutator(double) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.mutators.DistanceMutator
Standard probability constructor.
distances(List<Double>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
Input distances to choose a permutation from.
DocumentAdapter - Interface in evo.search.view.listener
Functional adapter interface for the DocumentListener.
DOT - evo.search.view.render.Style.Shape
Dot shape to display a point.


EDIT_TEXT - Static variable in class evo.search.view.model.ConfigComboModel
Translated "Edit Configuration" text.
enqueue(Point2D, Style) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Enqueue a point to be rendered soon.
enqueue(Shape, Style) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Enqueue a shape to be rendered soon.
enqueue(String, Point2D, Style) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Enqueue text to be rendered soon.
equals(Object) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
equals(Object) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
equals(Object) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
equals(Object) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
equals(Object) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
evalFitness(List<DiscreteGene>) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
Evaluate fitness method.
EventService - Class in evo.search.io.service
Event bus holding all the used Events.
EventService() - Constructor for class evo.search.io.service.EventService
evo.search - package evo.search
The evoSearch package contains everything of this application.
evo.search.experiments - package evo.search.experiments
Package containing experiments for the testing and evaluation of implementations.
evo.search.ga - package evo.search.ga
The discrete implementations of classes and interfaces of the jenetics package.
evo.search.ga.mutators - package evo.search.ga.mutators
Mutators working with DiscreteGenes.
evo.search.io.entities - package evo.search.io.entities
The entities in this package are classes which are serializable in xml.
evo.search.io.service - package evo.search.io.service
This package contains io services.
evo.search.util - package evo.search.util
This utility package contains utility libraries for common tasks.
evo.search.view - package evo.search.view
This package contains all implementations related to the user interface.
evo.search.view.handler - package evo.search.view.handler
evo.search.view.listener - package evo.search.view.listener
This package contains custom listeners used in the view package.
evo.search.view.model - package evo.search.view.model
This package contains custom data models used in the view package.
evo.search.view.part - package evo.search.view.part
Package with custom viewport parts.
evo.search.view.render - package evo.search.view.render
This package contains all rendering enhancement classes.
Evolution - Class in evo.search
This class holds a configuration and executes a corresponding evolution.
Evolution.EvolutionBuilder - Class in evo.search
Evolution.Fitness - Enum in evo.search
Fitness method enum.
Experiment - Class in evo.search.experiments
Basic experiment class providing utilities for experiments.
Experiment() - Constructor for class evo.search.experiments.Experiment
ExportDialog - Class in evo.search.view
Export Dialog managing the export of Evolutions.
ExportDialog() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.ExportDialog
Default constructor.
ExportDialog(Evolution) - Constructor for class evo.search.view.ExportDialog
Chromosome list constructor.
exportDone(JComponent, Transferable, int) - Method in class evo.search.view.handler.ListTransferHandler


FileService - Class in evo.search.io.service
File prompting and loading service.
FileService() - Constructor for class evo.search.io.service.FileService
fill(Color) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style.StyleBuilder
The fill color of the shape.
fill(List<DiscreteGene>) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Returns a filled list of points visited on each sector by the chromosome.
filled(boolean) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style.StyleBuilder
Defines, if the shape is filled or not.
finds(DiscreteGene, DiscreteGene) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Compute for two DiscreteGenes, whether the first point point finds the second point treasure.
fitness(Evolution.Fitness) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
Fitness method used to evaluate the individuals.
fitnessMulti(List<DiscreteGene>) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
Compute the fitness of a DiscreteGene chromosome based on all treasures.
fitnessSingular(List<DiscreteGene>) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
Compute the fitness of a DiscreteGene chromosome based on the single first treasure DiscreteGene.
FitnessTableModel - Class in evo.search.view.model
Table model to display several fitness values.
FitnessTableModel() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.model.FitnessTableModel
Default constructor with default column names.
font(Font) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style.StyleBuilder
Rendering font for GlyphVectors.
forEach(String, Element, Consumer<Element>) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Iterate a parent element's children by their name and consume these elements.
from(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Generate a list from an iterator.


GeneListCellEditor - Class in evo.search.view.part
GeneListCellEditor(JTextField) - Constructor for class evo.search.view.part.GeneListCellEditor
generate(int, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Generate a List with a given length through a supplier.
generatePoint(int, double, double) - Static method in class evo.search.util.RandomUtils
Returns a shuffled DiscreteGene.
geneSequenceValidator(ISeq<DiscreteGene>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Validator for a sequence of DiscreteGenes.
genotypeFactory() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Shuffle a new chromosome with DiscreteGenes from the distance list.
get(String) - Static method in class evo.search.view.LangService
Shortcut function to retrieve a translated string.
getAddFirstConfigButton() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
First config button.
getAffineTransformation() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
Generate an AffineTransform from the translation Transformation.offset and the Transformation.scale.
getAlterers() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
List of alterers used during the Evolution's mutation phase.
getBottomBar() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Lower fixed toolbar.
getBounds() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
getBounds2D() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
getCanvas() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
The canvas displaying individuals.
getColor() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style
The stroke color of the shape.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.FitnessTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.MutatorTableModel
Returns a String class for the first column and a Double class for the rest.
getColumnCount() - Method in class evo.search.view.model.MutatorTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.MutatorTableModel
getComponentListener(Component) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
Get the resize component listener.
getConfigComboBox() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Combo box with configurations to choose.
getConfigComboModel() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Combo box model for the configurations combo box.
getConfigLocation() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Location of the config panels window.
getConfigScrollWrapper() - Method in class evo.search.view.ConfigurationDialog
getConfigSize() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Dimensions of the config panels window.
getConfiguration() - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
Configuration to use during the evolution.
getConfiguration() - Method in class evo.search.view.ConfigPanel
Configuration associated with this config panel.
getConfigurations() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
List of projects registered configurations.
getConfigurations() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
List of registered configurations.
getCurrentProject() - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Currently opened project.
getDistance() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
The genes distance corresponding the the alleles distance.
getDistanceMutationDelta() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Value of maximum distance change during the mutation.
getDistances() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Input distances to choose a permutation from.
getElementAt(int) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.ConfigComboModel
Returns the item at the specified index.
getElementAt(int) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.SortedListModel
getEvolution() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Instantiated evolution generating the history.
getEvolutionThread() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Thread where the evolution runs.
getFill() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style
The fill color of the shape.
getFitness() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Fitness method used to evaluate the individuals.
getFont() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style
Rendering font for GlyphVectors.
getHistory() - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
History of individuals with the best phenotype in each generation.
getHistoryTable() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Table displaying the evolutions best individuals and fitness per generation.
getHistoryTableModel() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Table model of the history table.
getIndexEntries() - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
List of registered projects.
getLastUsed() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
Time since last project use.
getLimit() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Last execution limit for the evolution method.
getLogDividerLocation() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Divider location of the log split pane (horizontal).
getLogLabel() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Small log label.
getLogSplitPane() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Vertical split pane dividing the upper widget/canvas and the lower logging area.
getLogTextPane() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Big log text pane.
getMainDividerLocation() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Divider location of the main split pane (vertical).
getMainLocation() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Location of the main forms window.
getMainSize() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Dimensions of the main forms window.
getMainSplit() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Horizontal split pane containing the canvas and widget tab pane.
getMaxDistanceVisible() - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
The max distance visible is the maximal distance between the coordinate systems origin and one of the four canvas boundary edges.
getMethod() - Method in enum evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
getMinMaxRatio(float[]) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Compute the ratio of the maximum value divided by the minimum value of the float array.
getMouseListener() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
Get the mouse press listener.
getMouseMotionListener(Canvas) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
Get the mouse dragging listener.
getMouseWheelListener(Component) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
Get the mouse zoom listener.
getName() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
The configurations name.
getName() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
Name of the project.
getName() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
Projects name.
getNameField() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Text field to display/change the projects name.
getNameLabel() - Method in class evo.search.view.part.ProjectListItem
Label to display the project's name.
getOffset() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
The transformation offset vector.
getOffspring() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Amount of offspring individuals.
getPath() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
File system path of the project.
getPath() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
Projects file system path.
getPathIterator(AffineTransform) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
getPathIterator(AffineTransform, double) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
getPoints() - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Points to be rendered on the canvas.
getPopover() - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Label to display string data without rendering it on the canvas.
getPopulation() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Population size.
getPopulationTable() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Table to list all individuals of a generation.
getPopulationTableModel() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Model of the generation table.
getPosition() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
The discrete genes position index.
getPositions() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
Configuration providing context for the gene.
getPositions() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
The amount of positions available for the DiscreteGenes.
getProgressBar() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Evolution progress bar.
getProject() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Current project for this form.
getRootPanel() - Method in class evo.search.view.ConfigPanel
Root panel of this config panel.
getRootPanel() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Main forms root panel.
getRowByName(String) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.MutatorTableModel
Get the row index for the given name.
getSavedEvolutions() - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Scan the current projects directory for .evolution files.
getSavedEvolutionsList() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
List to display all saved evolutions.
getSavedEvolutionsModel() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Model for the saved evolutions list.
getScale() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
The transformation scaling factor.
getSelectedConfiguration() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Index of the configuration selected in the MainForm.
getSelector() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Selection method for offspring.
getShape() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style
Point shape representation.
getShapes() - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Shapes to be rendered on the canvas.
getSize() - Method in class evo.search.view.model.ConfigComboModel
Get the amount of items in the combo box.
getSize() - Method in class evo.search.view.model.SortedListModel
getSourceActions(JComponent) - Method in class evo.search.view.handler.ListTransferHandler
getStartButton() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Evolution start button.
getStopButton() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Evolution stop button.
getString() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
String to be rendered.
getStrings() - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Strings to be rendered on the canvas.
getStroke() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style
The stroke style.
getSubclasses() - Static method in interface evo.search.ga.mutators.DiscreteAlterer
Get all of the implementations of DiscreteAlterer.
getTextField() - Method in class evo.search.view.part.GeneListCellEditor
getToolbar() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Top toolbar pane.
getTreasures() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
List of treasure DiscreteGenes to search for.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.FitnessTableModel
getVersion() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Version for configuration compatibility checks.
getVersion() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
Version of the project.
getVersion() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
Projects version number for file compatibility.
getVersionLabel() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Label to display the projects version.
getWidgetTabs() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Left widget tab pane
getWorkspace() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Workspace configuration for this forms window.
getX() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
y-coordinate of the upper-left edge of the string shape.
getY() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
y-coordinate of the upper-left edge of the string shape.


handle(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface evo.search.view.listener.DocumentAdapter
Functional interface handle method.
hashCode() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
hashCode() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
hashCode() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
hashCode() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
hashCode() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
hashCode() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
history(List<EvolutionResult<DiscreteGene, Double>>) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution.EvolutionBuilder
History of individuals with the best phenotype in each generation.
HOME_PATH - Static variable in class evo.search.Main
Home path of the system wide configuration files.


importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport) - Method in class evo.search.view.handler.ListTransferHandler
inBetween(DiscreteGene, DiscreteGene) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Returns a list of intersections between the line through points a and b and the rays between these points.
IndexEntry - Class in evo.search.io.entities
Global project register entry used to save registered projects in the file system.
IndexEntry() - Constructor for class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
IndexEntry(Path, String, String, LocalDateTime) - Constructor for class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
indexOf(E) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.SortedListModel
Searches for the first occurrence of elem.
inRange(double, double) - Static method in class evo.search.util.RandomUtils
Returns a random double value between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive).
inRange(int, int) - Static method in class evo.search.util.RandomUtils
Returns a random int value between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive).
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface evo.search.view.listener.DocumentAdapter
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
intersects(Rectangle2D) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.MutatorTableModel
Returns false for the first column.
isChooseWithoutPermutation() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
State of whether to choose the distances in a permutation during the shuffle of new individuals.
isFilled() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style
Defines, if the shape is filled or not.
isProjectRegistered(Project) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Check if the given project is registered in the services list.
isSetUp() - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Check, if the global register is set up.
isValid() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
Checks, if a gene is valid.
item(String, ActionListener) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
Construct a menu item with a label and an action.
item(String, ActionListener, MenuShortcut) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
Construct a menu item with a label, an action and a shortcut.


langBundle - Static variable in class evo.search.view.LangService
Language translation resource.
LangService - Class in evo.search.view
Property based translation helper.
LangService() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.LangService
lawOfCosine(double, double, double) - Static method in class evo.search.util.MathUtils
Applies the law of cosines to a given angle between two line segments with respective lengths distanceA and distanceB.
limit(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
Last execution limit for the evolution method.
ListTransferHandler<E> - Class in evo.search.view.handler
ListTransferHandler(Function<E, String>, Function<String, E>) - Constructor for class evo.search.view.handler.ListTransferHandler
ListUtils - Class in evo.search.util
List utility methods.
ListUtils() - Constructor for class evo.search.util.ListUtils
loadCurrentWorkspace() - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Load the workspace for the current project.
loadProjectFromDirectory(Path) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Load a project from a given directory.
LOG - Static variable in class evo.search.io.service.EventService
Event for when something should be appended to the big log.
LOG_LABEL - Static variable in class evo.search.io.service.EventService
Event for when something should be written to the log label.


main(String[]) - Static method in class evo.search.Main
Main application method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class evo.search.view.ChooserForm
Chooser form entry function.
main(String[]) - Static method in class evo.search.view.ConfigurationDialog
Test main method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class evo.search.view.part.ProjectListItem
Test program entry point.
main(String[]) - Static method in class evo.search.view.Preview
Preview test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class evo.search.view.ShuffleDialog
Testing entry point of the shuffle dialog.
Main - Class in evo.search
Main class.
Main() - Constructor for class evo.search.Main
MainForm - Class in evo.search.view
The main swing application forms class.
MainForm() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.MainForm
Construct the main form for the swing application.
map(List<T>, Function<T, R>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
List mapping.
MathUtils - Class in evo.search.util
Math utility function library.
MathUtils() - Constructor for class evo.search.util.MathUtils
MAX_AREA - evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
The max area method computes the fitness based on the competitive ratio of explored space divided by the path's length.
mean(List<Double>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Computes the mean value of the list of doubles.
menu(String, Object...) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
Construct a named menu with some children.
menuBar(Menu...) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
Construct a menu bar with some menus.
MenuService - Class in evo.search.io.service
DSL JMenu and JPopupMenu service.
MenuService() - Constructor for class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
MULTI - evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
The multi method computes the fitness based on the competitive ratio of finding a set of distinct treasure points.
MultiTreasureFitnessExperiment - Class in evo.search.experiments
Tests for the multiple treasure fitness function.
MultiTreasureFitnessExperiment() - Constructor for class evo.search.experiments.MultiTreasureFitnessExperiment
mutate(DiscreteGene, Random) - Method in class evo.search.ga.mutators.DistanceMutator
Mutate the genes distance.
mutate(DiscreteGene, Random) - Method in class evo.search.ga.mutators.PositionMutator
Mutate the genes position.
mutate(Chromosome<DiscreteGene>, double, Random) - Method in class evo.search.ga.mutators.SwapPropertyMutator
MutatorTableModel - Class in evo.search.view.model
This table model displays all registered DiscreteAlterer classes to select and configure for the Evolution.run() method.
MutatorTableModel() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.model.MutatorTableModel
Default constructor.


name(String) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
The configurations name.
newAreaCovered(List<DiscreteGene>) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Computes the sum of newly covered area per step of the chromosome.
newInstance() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteChromosome
newInstance() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
newInstance(ISeq<DiscreteGene>) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteChromosome
newInstance(Point2D) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene


offspring(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
Amount of offspring individuals.
OneTreasureFitnessExperiment - Class in evo.search.experiments
Test of the Evolution.Fitness.SINGULAR fitness.
OneTreasureFitnessExperiment() - Constructor for class evo.search.experiments.OneTreasureFitnessExperiment
OPEN_CHOOSER_FORM - Static variable in class evo.search.io.service.EventService
Event for displaying the chooser form.
OPEN_CONFIG - Static variable in class evo.search.io.service.EventService
Event to open the ConfigurationDialog.


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Rendering all the items on the canvas.
parse(Element) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteChromosome
parse(Element) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
parse(Element) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
parse(Element) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
Parse an IndexEntry from an Element.
parse(Element) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
parse(Element) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Parse a workspace from a Element.
parse(Element) - Method in interface evo.search.io.entities.XmlEntity
Parse a Element and return the entity.
parseDimension(Element) - Static method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Parse a Dimension from a Element.
parseFileName(String[]) - Static method in class evo.search.experiments.Experiment
Take the experiments arguments and parse the csv file name from the first argument.
parseGene(Matcher) - Static method in class evo.search.view.part.GeneListCellEditor
parsePoint(Element) - Static method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Parse a Point from a Element.
parseSeed(String[]) - Static method in class evo.search.experiments.Experiment
Take the experiments arguments and parse the seed from the second argument.
PATTERN - Static variable in class evo.search.view.part.GeneListCellEditor
polarDistance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class evo.search.util.MathUtils
Euclidean distance between two polar coordinates.
polarDistance(short, short, float, short, float) - Static method in class evo.search.util.MathUtils
Euclidean distance between two DiscreteGenes.
population(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
Population size.
PositionMutator - Class in evo.search.ga.mutators
The position mutator alters the position property of the chromosomes genes individually by a given chance.
PositionMutator(double) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.mutators.PositionMutator
Standard probability constructor.
positions(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
The amount of positions available for the DiscreteGenes.
Preview - Class in evo.search.view
Preview() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.Preview
printConsecutive(List<T>, Function<T, String>, String) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Prints list of objects in a consecutive order.
printProgress(int, int) - Static method in class evo.search.experiments.Experiment
Print a progress bar graph to the console.
printSmall() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
Prints a small gene representation of the form (4, 5.9).
probability() - Method in interface evo.search.ga.mutators.DiscreteAlterer
Get the probability for the ConfigPanel view.
progressConsumer(Consumer<Integer>) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution.EvolutionBuilder
Consumer of the progress generation.
Project - Class in evo.search.io.entities
Project entity to be saved in the file system.
Project() - Constructor for class evo.search.io.entities.Project
PROJECT_LEVEL_HIDDEN - Static variable in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Hidden folder name for local project level.
ProjectListItem - Class in evo.search.view.part
Project display for the ChooserForm.
ProjectListItem(IndexEntry) - Constructor for class evo.search.view.part.ProjectListItem
Create a project list item from an index entry.
ProjectService - Class in evo.search.io.service
Project utility service.
ProjectService() - Constructor for class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
promptForDirectory() - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.FileService
Shorthand for FileService.promptForDirectory(String) with "Load directory" in the title.
promptForDirectory(String) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.FileService
Prompt the user for a directory.
promptForLoad(String) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.FileService
Prompt the user for a file path.
promptForSave(String, String) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.FileService
Prompt the user for a file save path.
propagateScroll(JScrollPane) - Method in class evo.search.view.ConfigPanel
Propagate a scroll inside of the ConfigPanel to the ConfigurationDialogs scroll panel, if the inner scroll reaches its borders.


RandomUtils - Class in evo.search.util
All utility methods associated with randomness.
RandomUtils() - Constructor for class evo.search.util.RandomUtils
Ray2D - Class in evo.search.view.render
Infinite 2d ray.
Ray2D(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class evo.search.view.render.Ray2D
Two-point-coordinate constructor.
read(Path) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.FileService
Read a xml Document from a file.
readElementList(String, Element, Function<Element, T>) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Iterate a parent element's children by their name and map these elements to their values.
readEvolution(Path) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Read an evolution file and the configuration.
readProjectIndex() - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Read all globally registered projects into the services index entries.
readProperties(Element, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Read <property> elements from a parent and consume their "name" and "value" attributes.
readProperty(Element, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Get a <property> element and consume its "name" and "value" attributes.
readRegister(Document) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Parse the Document for the global project register.
RECT - evo.search.view.render.Style.Shape
Rectangular shape to display a point.
reduce(List<T>, BinaryOperator<T>, T) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Reduce a list of items to a single item.
REDUCE_WITH_SPACE - Static variable in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Reduce function to connect two strings via a space character.
remove(int) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.SortedListModel
Removes the element at the given index.
removeRange(int, int) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.SortedListModel
Deletes the components at the specified range of indexes.
removeRepeating(List<T>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Remove repeating elements from a list.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface evo.search.view.listener.DocumentAdapter
render(double) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Ray2D
Render the ray as a scaled line.
render(Iterable<DiscreteGene>) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Render a single chromosome as a series of points connected with lines.
renderRays(int) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Render the rays from the origin.
renderTreasures(Iterable<DiscreteGene>) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Render the treasure points as red crosses.
REPAINT_CANVAS - Static variable in class evo.search.io.service.EventService
Event to repaint the Canvas upon.
revert(Point2D) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
Revert a transformed Point2D on the canvas.
run() - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
Execute an evolution Works with the Configuration held by this instance.


saveConfigurations(Path, List<Configuration>) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Save a list of configurations to a project folder.
saveProjectWorkspace(Workspace) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Save a workspace to the currently opened project.
saveRegistered() - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Save the services index entries into the global register.
sectorAngle(int) - Static method in class evo.search.util.MathUtils
Return the angle of one sector for a given amount of equally distanced rays.
selector(Selector<DiscreteGene, Double>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
Selection method for offspring.
separator(String) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Returns a binary string reducing operator concatenating a collection of strings with a given separator.
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
Const to add a separator to a menu.
serialize() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteChromosome
serialize() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
serialize() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
serialize() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
Serialize an IndexEntry to an Element.
serialize() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
serialize() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Serialize the workspace to a xml Document.
serialize() - Method in interface evo.search.io.entities.XmlEntity
Serialize the entity into a Element.
serialize(String, Dimension) - Static method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Serialize a Dimension to a xml element.
serialize(String, Point) - Static method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Serialize a Point to a xml element.
setAborted(boolean) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
Evolution abort flag.
setAlterers(List<? extends DiscreteAlterer>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
List of alterers used during the Evolution's mutation phase.
setChooseWithoutPermutation(boolean) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
State of whether to choose the distances in a permutation during the shuffle of new individuals.
setColumnIdentifier(int, Object) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.FitnessTableModel
Set the column name at the nth column.
setConfigLocation(Point) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Location of the config panels window.
setConfigSize(Dimension) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Dimensions of the config panels window.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
Configuration to use during the evolution.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class evo.search.ga.mutators.DistanceMutator
Configuration for the alterers to work with.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class evo.search.view.ConfigPanel
Assign a configuration to the panel for value binding.
setConfigurations(List<Configuration>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
List of projects registered configurations.
setCurrentProject(Project) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Currently opened project.
setData(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.FitnessTableModel
Setter for the tables fitness values.
setDistance(float) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
The genes distance corresponding the the alleles distance.
setDistanceMutationDelta(double) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Value of maximum distance change during the mutation.
setDistances(List<Double>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Input distances to choose a permutation from.
setFitness(Evolution.Fitness) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Fitness method used to evaluate the individuals.
setHistory(List<EvolutionResult<DiscreteGene, Double>>) - Method in class evo.search.Evolution
History of individuals with the best phenotype in each generation.
setLastUsed(LocalDateTime) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
Time since last project use.
setLimit(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Last execution limit for the evolution method.
setLogDividerLocation(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Divider location of the log split pane (horizontal).
setMainDividerLocation(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Divider location of the main split pane (vertical).
setMainLocation(Point) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Location of the main forms window.
setMainSize(Dimension) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Dimensions of the main forms window.
setName(String) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
The configurations name.
setName(String) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
Name of the project.
setName(String) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
Projects name.
setOffset(Point2D) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
The transformation offset vector.
setOffspring(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Amount of offspring individuals.
setParent(ConfigurationDialog) - Method in class evo.search.view.ConfigPanel
Assign a parent to the panel for button bindings and scroll propagation.
setPath(Path) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
File system path of the project.
setPath(Path) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
Projects file system path.
setPopulation(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Population size.
setPosition(short) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
The discrete genes position index.
setPositions(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
The amount of positions available for the DiscreteGenes.
setPositions(int) - Method in class evo.search.view.ShuffleDialog
Positions amount to choose from.
setPositions(short) - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
Configuration providing context for the gene.
setRandomSupplier(BiFunction<Double, Double, T>) - Method in class evo.search.view.ShuffleDialog
Supplier of random elements with given min and max distance.
setRays(int) - Method in class evo.search.view.part.Canvas
Amount of rays to display.
setScale(double) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
The transformation scaling factor.
setSelectedConfiguration(int) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
Index of the configuration selected in the MainForm.
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class evo.search.view.model.ConfigComboModel
Set the selected item.
setSelector(Selector<DiscreteGene, Double>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Selection method for offspring.
setTreasureConsumer(Consumer<List<T>>) - Method in class evo.search.view.ShuffleDialog
Consumer of the shuffled list.
setTreasures(List<DiscreteGene>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
List of treasure DiscreteGenes to search for.
setupEnvironment() - Static method in class evo.search.Main
Set up the static properties.
setupNewProject(Path, Project) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Set up a new project with configs folder and basic project config files.
setupService() - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Set up the global register with no project.
setVersion(String) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
Version for configuration compatibility checks.
setVersion(String) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
Version of the project.
setVersion(String) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
Projects version number for file compatibility.
setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Workspace configuration for this forms window.
shape(Style.Shape) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style.StyleBuilder
Point shape representation.
shortcut(char) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
Construct a new menu shortcut with a key char.
shortcut(char, boolean) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
Construct a new menu shortcut with a key char and the shift modifier flag.
shortcut(int) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
Construct a new menu shortcut with a key code.
shortcut(int, boolean) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.MenuService
Construct a new menu shortcut with a key code and the shift modifier flag.
showDialog(Evolution) - Static method in class evo.search.view.ExportDialog
Static method to initialize and show the ExportDialog with a evolution to export.
showFrame() - Method in class evo.search.view.ConfigurationDialog
Show the configuration dialog frame.
showFrame() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Set up the jFrame for the swing application.
showFrame() - Method in class evo.search.view.Preview
ShuffleDialog<T> - Class in evo.search.view
Dialog to shuffle elements with a distance range and amount.
ShuffleDialog() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.ShuffleDialog
Construct a shuffle dialog.
shuffleTreasures(double, double) - Method in class evo.search.view.ShuffleDialog
Treasure supplier by min and max distance.
simpleElement(String, T) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Create a simple element with name and content.
SINGULAR - evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
The singular method computes the fitness based on the competitive ratio of finding one distinct treasure point.
sort() - Method in class evo.search.view.model.SortedListModel
Sort the list.
SortedListModel<E> - Class in evo.search.view.model
SortedListModel(Comparator<E>) - Constructor for class evo.search.view.model.SortedListModel
SPIRAL - evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
The spiral likeness fitness uses the rotation independent spiral likeness mesaure.
spiralLikeness(List<DiscreteGene>) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
The spiral-likeness measures the similarity between the individuals structure and a spiral.
spiralLikenessInvariant(List<DiscreteGene>) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Measure for the spiral-likeness of the chromosome with rotation invariance.
StringShape - Class in evo.search.view.render
String shape representation.
StringShape(String, float, float) - Constructor for class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
stroke(Stroke) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style.StyleBuilder
The stroke style.
Style - Class in evo.search.view.render
Render style class for Shapes.
Style.Shape - Enum in evo.search.view.render
List of point shape styles.
Style.StyleBuilder - Class in evo.search.view.render
sum(List<? extends Number>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Calculate the sum of the list of doubles.
swapComponent(MSeq<DiscreteGene>, int, int) - Method in class evo.search.ga.mutators.SwapDistanceMutator
Swap the distances of two DiscreteGenes in a chromosome sequence of DiscreteGenes.
swapComponent(MSeq<DiscreteGene>, int, int) - Method in class evo.search.ga.mutators.SwapPositionsMutator
Swap the positions of two DiscreteGenes in a chromosome sequence of DiscreteGenes.
swapComponent(MSeq<DiscreteGene>, int, int) - Method in class evo.search.ga.mutators.SwapPropertyMutator
Swap a property of two genes at positions a and b.
SwapDistanceMutator - Class in evo.search.ga.mutators
Mutator which swaps whole the positions between DiscreteGenes.
SwapDistanceMutator(double) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.mutators.SwapDistanceMutator
Standard probability constructor.
SwapGeneMutator - Class in evo.search.ga.mutators
Mutator which swaps whole genes thus changing their position in the chromosomes sequence.
SwapGeneMutator(double) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.mutators.SwapGeneMutator
Standard probability constructor.
SwapPositionsMutator - Class in evo.search.ga.mutators
Mutator which swaps whole the positions between DiscreteGenes.
SwapPositionsMutator(double) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.mutators.SwapPositionsMutator
Standard probability constructor.
SwapPropertyMutator - Class in evo.search.ga.mutators
SwapPropertyMutator(double) - Constructor for class evo.search.ga.mutators.SwapPropertyMutator
Construct a swap mutator which swaps a component of the genes.


toString() - Method in class evo.search.Evolution.EvolutionBuilder
toString() - Method in class evo.search.ga.DiscreteGene
toString() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
toString() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration
toString() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.IndexEntry
toString() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Project
toString() - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
toString() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.StringShape
toString() - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Style.StyleBuilder
traceLength(List<DiscreteGene>) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Calculates the trace length of a path consisting of the list of points.
traceLength(List<DiscreteGene>, DiscreteGene) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Computes the trace length necessary for the DiscreteGene chromosome to find the given treasure DiscreteGene.
transform(Line2D) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
Transform a Line2D.
transform(Point2D) - Method in class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
Transform a Point2D.
Transformation - Class in evo.search.view.render
The canvas rendering transformation.
Transformation() - Constructor for class evo.search.view.render.Transformation
transpose(List<List<T>>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Transpose a two dimensional list matrix.
treasures(List<DiscreteGene>) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
List of treasure DiscreteGenes to search for.
triggerChange() - Method in class evo.search.view.ConfigurationDialog
Trigger a changed configuration.
TWO_PI - Static variable in class evo.search.util.MathUtils
Two pi.


uniquePath(String, String) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.FileService
Get a distinct file from the file system.
UNKNOWN_VERSION - Static variable in class evo.search.Main
Version to use for unversioned entities.
updateConfigListView() - Method in class evo.search.view.MainForm
Bind the configuration combo boxes empty state.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum evo.search.view.render.Style.Shape
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum evo.search.view.render.Style.Shape
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variance(List<? extends Number>) - Static method in class evo.search.util.ListUtils
Calculates the variance for a list of numbers.
version(String) - Method in class evo.search.io.entities.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder
Version for configuration compatibility checks.
VERSION - Static variable in class evo.search.Main
The package version.


Workspace - Class in evo.search.io.entities
The window workspace used to preserve the projects windows locations and settings.
Workspace() - Constructor for class evo.search.io.entities.Workspace
WORST_CASE - evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
The worst case method computes the fitness based on the maximum length over all points to find their worst-case treasure (when the treasure is just an epsilon further away from the origin than the point).
WORST_MEAN - evo.search.Evolution.Fitness
This fitness method calculates the mean of the worst cases for each point of the strategy.
worstCase(List<DiscreteGene>, float) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Calculates the worst case trace length of a trace barely missing a treasure.
worstCaseMean(List<DiscreteGene>, float) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Compute the mean worst case over all points in the strategy.
worstCaseSpiralStrategy(List<DiscreteGene>) - Static method in class evo.search.ga.AnalysisUtils
Calculate the optimal worst case factor for the strategy.
write(Path, Document) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.FileService
Write a xml Document to a file.
write(Path, Element) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.FileService
Write a xml Element as root element to a file.
writeEvolution(Evolution, String) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Save the evolution to a .evolution file and back up the configuration to an xml file with the same number.
writeProjectIndex(List<IndexEntry>) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.ProjectService
Write the given index entries into the global register.
writeProperty(String, T, String) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Create a <property> element with "name", "value" and "type" attributes.
writeProperty(String, T) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Create a <property> element with "name", "value" and "type" attributes.
writeRegister(List<IndexEntry>) - Static method in class evo.search.io.service.XmlService
Create the Document for the global project register.


XmlEntity<T> - Interface in evo.search.io.entities
Entity interface for objects which can be parsed from and converted to xml.
XmlService - Class in evo.search.io.service
Utility service for xml-based transformation.
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