Class ProjectService

  • public class ProjectService
    extends Object
    Project utility service. Handles current project and the global project registry.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String PROJECT_LEVEL_HIDDEN
        Hidden folder name for local project level.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProjectService

        public ProjectService()
    • Method Detail

      • addProjectEntry

        public static void addProjectEntry​(Project project)
        Add a new project to the services index entries.
        project - project to add
      • setupNewProject

        public static void setupNewProject​(Path folder,
                                           Project project)
        Set up a new project with configs folder and basic project config files.
        folder - folder to create the projects files in
        project - project to save
      • isSetUp

        public static boolean isSetUp()
        Check, if the global register is set up.
        true, if the ".evoSearch" folder exist in user root, false otherwise
      • loadProjectFromDirectory

        public static Project loadProjectFromDirectory​(Path projectDirectory)
        Load a project from a given directory. Checks are performed to ensure, that the directory contains a project.
        projectDirectory - directory with project
        loaded project if it exists, null otherwise
      • saveConfigurations

        public static void saveConfigurations​(Path projectFolder,
                                              List<Configuration> configurations)
        Save a list of configurations to a project folder. Ensures a project is set up in the provided directory and overwrites the old configurations.
        projectFolder - directory containing a project
        configurations - configurations to save in the directory
      • saveProjectWorkspace

        public static void saveProjectWorkspace​(Workspace workspace)
        Save a workspace to the currently opened project.
        workspace - workspace to save
      • loadCurrentWorkspace

        public static Workspace loadCurrentWorkspace()
        Load the workspace for the current project.
        workspace of the current project, empty workspace if there is no current project
      • isProjectRegistered

        public static boolean isProjectRegistered​(Project project)
        Check if the given project is registered in the services list. Checks by equality of paths.
        project - project to check
        true if the project's directory exists in the services list, false otherwise
      • containsHidden

        public static boolean containsHidden​(Path file)
        Check, if the directory contains the hidden ".evo" folder.
        file - directory to check
        true if the hidden folder is in the given directory, false otherwise
      • setupService

        public static void setupService()
        Set up the global register with no project.
      • readProjectIndex

        public static void readProjectIndex()
        Read all globally registered projects into the services index entries.
      • writeProjectIndex

        public static void writeProjectIndex​(List<IndexEntry> projects)
        Write the given index entries into the global register.
        projects - projects entries to save
      • saveRegistered

        public static void saveRegistered()
        Save the services index entries into the global register.
        See Also:
      • writeEvolution

        public static Path writeEvolution​(Evolution evolution,
                                          String prefix)
        Save the evolution to a .evolution file and back up the configuration to an xml file with the same number.
        evolution - evolution to write
        prefix - file name prefix
        path to the saved evolution
      • readEvolution

        public static Evolution readEvolution​(Path evolutionFile)
        Read an evolution file and the configuration.
        evolutionFile - .evolution file path
        evolution with backed up configuration, if something fails, null
      • getSavedEvolutions

        public static List<Path> getSavedEvolutions()
        Scan the current projects directory for .evolution files.
        list of evolution file paths
      • getIndexEntries

        public static List<IndexEntry> getIndexEntries()
        List of registered projects.
      • setCurrentProject

        public static void setCurrentProject​(Project currentProject)
        Currently opened project.
      • getCurrentProject

        public static Project getCurrentProject()
        Currently opened project.