Class MainForm

    • Constructor Detail

      • MainForm

        public MainForm()
        Construct the main form for the swing application.
    • Method Detail

      • updateConfigListView

        public void updateConfigListView()
        Bind the configuration combo boxes empty state. If the list of configs is empty, the combo box is replaced by the button to add the first configuration.
      • showFrame

        public void showFrame()
        Set up the jFrame for the swing application.
      • createUIComponents

        public void createUIComponents()
        Custom create the history table's component and bind its behaviours.
      • getConfigComboModel

        public ConfigComboModel getConfigComboModel()
        Combo box model for the configurations combo box.
      • getConfigurations

        public List<Configuration> getConfigurations()
        List of registered configurations.
      • getProject

        public Project getProject()
        Current project for this form.
      • getRootPanel

        public JPanel getRootPanel()
        Main forms root panel.
      • getToolbar

        public JPanel getToolbar()
        Top toolbar pane.
      • getVersionLabel

        public JLabel getVersionLabel()
        Label to display the projects version.
      • getNameField

        public JTextField getNameField()
        Text field to display/change the projects name.
      • getAddFirstConfigButton

        public JButton getAddFirstConfigButton()
        First config button. Displayed if no configuration is registered yet.
      • getConfigComboBox

        public JComboBox<Object> getConfigComboBox()
        Combo box with configurations to choose.
      • getStartButton

        public JButton getStartButton()
        Evolution start button.
      • getStopButton

        public JButton getStopButton()
        Evolution stop button.
      • getLogSplitPane

        public JSplitPane getLogSplitPane()
        Vertical split pane dividing the upper widget/canvas and the lower logging area.
      • getMainSplit

        public JSplitPane getMainSplit()
        Horizontal split pane containing the canvas and widget tab pane.
      • getWidgetTabs

        public JTabbedPane getWidgetTabs()
        Left widget tab pane
      • getHistoryTable

        public JTable getHistoryTable()
        Table displaying the evolutions best individuals and fitness per generation.
      • getHistoryTableModel

        public FitnessTableModel getHistoryTableModel()
        Table model of the history table.
      • getPopulationTable

        public JTable getPopulationTable()
        Table to list all individuals of a generation.
      • getPopulationTableModel

        public FitnessTableModel getPopulationTableModel()
        Model of the generation table.
      • getCanvas

        public Canvas getCanvas()
        The canvas displaying individuals.
      • getLogTextPane

        public JTextArea getLogTextPane()
        Big log text pane.
      • getBottomBar

        public JPanel getBottomBar()
        Lower fixed toolbar.
      • getLogLabel

        public JLabel getLogLabel()
        Small log label.
      • getProgressBar

        public JProgressBar getProgressBar()
        Evolution progress bar.
      • getSavedEvolutionsList

        public JList<Path> getSavedEvolutionsList()
        List to display all saved evolutions.
      • getSavedEvolutionsModel

        public DefaultListModel<Path> getSavedEvolutionsModel()
        Model for the saved evolutions list.
      • getEvolution

        public Evolution getEvolution()
        Instantiated evolution generating the history.
      • getWorkspace

        public Workspace getWorkspace()
        Workspace configuration for this forms window.
      • getEvolutionThread

        public Thread getEvolutionThread()
        Thread where the evolution runs.
      • setWorkspace

        public void setWorkspace​(Workspace workspace)
        Workspace configuration for this forms window.