Class ConfigurationDialog

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigurationDialog

        public ConfigurationDialog​(List<Configuration> configurations)
        Configuration dialog constructor.

        Creates and configures the panel window and creates the sub-panels for the list of configurations to be displayed and edited.

        configurations - list of configurations to be displayed/edited
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Test main method.
        args - ignored java cli args
      • createConfigPanel

        public int createConfigPanel​(Configuration configuration)
        Create a configuration panel.
        configuration - configurations to be displayed/edited
        index of the inserted configuration
      • triggerChange

        public void triggerChange()
        Trigger a changed configuration. This state is only handled by the "Apply" Buttons enabled state. This method is mainly used by the individual ConfigPanels.
      • showFrame

        public void showFrame()
        Show the configuration dialog frame.
      • getConfigScrollWrapper

        public JScrollPane getConfigScrollWrapper()